Wednesday, April 22, 2009

A Step Closer to Automaton Children

Obama hates kids...

Except his own. They're allowed to be privately educated. You know homeschoolers are the next target. The anti-family NEA has been chomping at the bit for a commie president who will back them up.

Thursday, April 2, 2009


Barry Soetoro... errr, ummm... Barack Hussein Obama, refuses to provide much real information about his past, which was shady, at best. His circle of friends (mostly Marxists America-haters) tells us a lot, though. He was a radical community organizer who established himself as one of the most liberal senators, ever. Obama's goal - his primary objective - is to eliminate the free market system and enslave us all to socialism. He's been working tirelessly, during these first few months in office, to undermine private industry and major financial institutions. If Barry has his way, an ultimate collapse of capitalism will be the crisis that seals the deal. Our country will forever be changed. The freedoms we have enjoyed will be a distant memory.

He's also a big fan of murdering the pre-born.

Despite the love affair that the main stream media has with Barry, the voices of individuals who oppose him are growing louder. His attempts to marginalize and even silence those who disagree is proof of his frightening narcissism. He is dangerous. And I won't be quiet.